
Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

These cookies are chewy and salty sweet. They’re also BIG which means there’s lots of middle and that’s the best part. Kinda like how the best part of the weekend is when there’s a 3rd day full of antique shopping and bibimbap eating and chit-chatting. These cookies are the 3-day weekend of your (my) January #veganphase living. I think it’s really cool that there’s maple syrup in these and I think you’re really cool for…

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Seriously Delish Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies

Thursdays are my day. You see, I took them off work indefinitely to get my other stuff done. I’ve got important things to do today. For example, I put make-up on today fully intending to nap in it. I’m also going to clean up the stuff that’s strewn and do the dishes and make a serious Thanksgiving grocery list. The best part is that these days normally start with coffee and splitting a donut and a…

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Nutella Stuffed Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Because my freezer is forever stocked, grandma-style, with pizza dough, waffles, and (now) cookies. Because I paint pumpkins, real-quick, after work and before dinner. Because I sometimes pick beers over runs and granola bars over lunch and sleeping in over timeliness. Because I want to pack my favorite books in my work bag, just-in-case, and because I slept better in California than anywhere it seems, and because I feel more like myself now than I…

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Double Dough Ice Cream

You guys, I’m heading to Chicago for the weekend! There are plans to drink beers and drinks and eat pizza and monkey bread and cinnamon rolls. So, it’s probably good that I prepped this week by snacking on this ice cream. I really sampled the hell out of it. I just wanted to get ready for my weekend AND make sure this was good, ya know? The base tastes like dough FO SHO. And there’s…

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One Dozen Large Marge Blondies

Turns out my self-control regarding cookies is kinda non-existent these days. I think it’s because I haven’t really grocery shopped. I bought berries and then didn’t make jam. I bought milk, but no cereal. I have teeny waffles in the freezer, but no peanut butter. I’ve been eating cookies for breakfast and sometimes as a lunch appetizer, and occasionally an after-run reward. I’m pretty glad (or not so glad) that there’s only one cookie left…

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One Big Cookie

We get to have two Sundays this weekend! I think it’s great! I plan on wearing overall shorts, sitting in the sun, and drinking Moscow Mules. I might watch the Twin Peaks movie, or take a nap, or eat pizza, or go to a concert. I’m going to let the day surprise me. And I’m glad that I have some of this giant cookie left on a day like this! You see I whipped up…

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Orange Scented Chocolate Chip Bagels

I sing this song in the car almost every day. It might’ve replaced Kelly Clarkston’s Since You’ve Been Gone in the sing-in-the-car-way. Both are about love gone wrong though, so they have so much in common. What I’m trying to say is that, I know that I’m feeling ok based on whether I sing in the car or not. That’s how I figure out how I’m doin’. And nothing gives me a reason to sing…

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Chocolate Chip Cookies Forever

Because I’m hungry for every single chocolate chip cookie remix ever. Because the other day I pumped gas and it overflowed on my foot. Because it’s so cold in my apartment. Because I can’t find matching socks. Because I have dishes to put away. Because I’m currently using my pre-teen boom box to listen to music at home. Because I can’t save snacks until I’m hungry at work. Because I laid in the sun on…

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Chocolate Chip Pancake Mini Muffins with a Brown Butter Maple Glaze

Because dessert needs to happen with a picnic lunch, and because I had a bunch of hay in my boots when I got home. You see, Friday, I took the day off and headed to Upland Hills Farms. My friend’s niece had a field trip, so a couple of us ladies went too! We made a giant Italian sandwich and a tasty orzo salad for our picnic lunch. And since this particular little girl loves…

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Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Belgian Waffles + Strawberry Maple Syrup

The truth is, I’m going to New York tomorrow. It’s my first time and I’m pretty much bursting with excitement! I think I’m going to go to Baked, and Momofuko, and I have plans to eat giant slices of pizza and wear party dresses for no reason. (!!!!) I’m going with a lady friend and staying with this one! Let’s just say that good food will be happening. But first, waffles! I made these for my…

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