
Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies {revisited} + A Megabite Birthday

My blog turned three last Tuesday! In dog years it can drink legally! I figured that for this birthday I’d revisit my Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies, since they’re probably the first thing ever baked on my own in my life, and since they’re delicious. So thanks guys for visiting my blog ever! It means the world to me! Without this little spot of the internet I would’ve never met Cindy in real life, and she’s the…

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Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Mini Cupcakes with Cookie Dough Frosting

These cupcakes could never be muffins. They could never be chillin’ in the world frosting-less. Some of them sunk strangely and some broke a little when I took them out of the pan. …but don’t worry, once these guys are frosted they’re lovely! And once you’re eating one you’re happy! You see, they bake up cookie-like. A little bit imperfect and a lot delicious. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cupcakes {makes 33-ish minis} Recipe from How Sweet…

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Olive Oil Chocolate Chip Cookies

What do you guys bake when you’re baking your feelings? I tend to go the chocolate chip cookie route. They just taste all homey-like. They’re comforting, ya know? It’s even better if I happen to have all the ingredients on hand. So when I stumbled across these cookies and read about their toffee-like flavor I knew I needed them to happen immediately. And they are totally toffee-tastic. So get ready. And there is no butter allowed…

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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Turkey O’Clock is approaching. And at the moment I’m in Minnesota hanging out in the kitchen with my mom. I just can’t wait to share with you guys what her and I are making this year for dessert. (I’ll be posting them next week!) The truth is, I made these cookies before I left. It’s important to me for Jake to have a constant supply of cookie-goodness while I’m gone. These remind me of what…

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Chocolate Chip Scones {revisited}

Sometimes you just have to make your favorite scones again because you had a scone over the weekend that was a scone in a biscuit outfit. Sometimes you don’t even care that the scone was a fake because you were having so much fun! Sometimes eating breakfast in the rain is the only way. And sometimes muffins are ridiculously pretty when there are cherries and raindrops in them. Antique shopping and french fries are always…

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Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

I ran out of eggs! It’s ok though because this cookie recipe is the kind that keeps it real without them. Basically these little ice cream sandwiches were meant to be. These are really good. Even though the chocolate chips didn’t want to stick to the ice cream on the sides and fell sprinkling the floor on the walk to the freezer. And maybe some of the cookies were too warm when I sandwiched them and…

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Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

PLEASE NOTE: I’ve remade/photographed these since. For the updated post click HERE. “Don’t fill up on cookies before dinner.” I always filled up on cookies before dinner. I grew up on these cookies. I’m sure my mom fed me the dough as a baby. When I was a bit older she’d always give me a taste of brown sugar when she was whipping up the dough. I also remember getting cookie dough in my lunch at school…

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Chocolate Chip Muffins

Breakfast is really important to me. It’s right up there with black coffee and dessert. So I guess it goes to show that when there’s chocolate involved in a muffin, I’ll be down. Down all the way. These guys have skills. They will make your early morning feel not so early and they’ll make your late morning feel less lazy. So needless to say, you should make these. And they’re so cute you might want…

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Chocolate Chip Pancakes for Two

Merry Christmas to you! You, who are as sweet as these delicious pancakes! Chocolate Chip Pancakes for Two Recipe adapted from Joy the Baker Ingredients: 1 egg 1 cup buttermilk 2 T butter, melted + cooled 1/2 t vanilla 1 cup flour 2 t brown sugar 1 t baking powder 1/2 t baking soda 1/2 t salt 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips oil or cooking spray (for cooking) Directions: In a large bowl beat egg.…

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