
Vegan Grilled Veggie Pizza

Yesterday was the 1st day of summer! I celebrated it by giving my picnic table a fresh coat of paint and making this pizza! (And staying in bed until 1 with a headache because of too many grapefruit fizz drinks and summer beers, but whatev.) So I grilled up a bunch of veggies in my fridge, while the dough rose. I ate this while watching Orange is the New Black because well, this season is…

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Thanksgiving 2014 // A Recap

Change is good, right?! This year Thanksgiving was a different one for me. I stayed in Michigan (instead of flying to Minnesota, like usual) and cooked for my boyfriend, his parents, da roommate, his mom, sister and aunt. So we painted pumpkins gold, bought cloth napkins, planned out the menu, put a wreath on the front door, and lugged tables to the basement bar. I did a bunch of prep at home. Things like making, drying…

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Savory Sponsored Posts

Let’s Toast to Sunday Dinner!

Sunday dinner was a big deal growing up. After church you eat a full meal. Main dish! Sides! Dessert! No nonsense. Even now my grandma will ask, “But who do you eat Sunday dinner with?!” And I usually tell her that my Sundays are normally full of brunch, bike rides, and rarely a big sit-down lunch with family in church clothes followed by dessert, coffee, and naps. This last Sunday was different though. I made a…

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Make It Mini // Lunchbox Polenta Quiche (gluten-free)

Sometimes I think of life in a between-haircuts way. Like, ok, I just got my hair cut shorter and I don’t have to go back until August or September. What will be happening then?! How will things be? Will I still be painting hearts on my nails? Probably. Will I have a better lunch appetite? Will I still be wearing floral leggings like twice a week and drinking 24 oz. beers on patios and stress-texting…

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Savory Sweet

Insta-Recipes #3

You guys, it’s spring. For real. It’s time to crack the windows, bake cookies for work, pizza for your favorites, and granola for the hotties in your life. Below are 3 recipes from my Instagram that I really think you guys should know about. I mean, sometimes baking and dancing happens on a weeknight and there’s no time for photographing these in a fancy manor… So here you go! I really loved these whoopie pies.…

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Asparagus Quiche with a Polenta Crust (gluten-free)

I’m really trying to notice when I’m feeling happy and content and stuff. I’m doing my best to just take note of it, you know? Embrace it even. Whisking the hell out of this polenta for 10 whole minutes made me super happy. I was smiling and whisking and whisking and smiling. You see, I was up early getting this brunch pie together and brewing coffee. I didn’t even have music on and the windows…

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Picnic Time (Focaccia Sandwich + Salads)

It’s totally spummer out. (Ya know, that season that’s right between spring and summer.) One day it’s 87 and the next day it’s 65. This weather is cray. But on the ideal spummer day it’s good to have picnic fixings on the ready! You see, this day would be about 75 and sunny, and it wouldn’t rain as soon as you sat on your picnic blanket, and you sure wouldn’t cut your thumb on the…

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