
Vegan Zucchini Muffins

The thing is, I feel like I styled these muffins like Christmas. And I made these because I was craving this cake and because I had half of a vegan apple loaf guy for breakfast and sometimes a girl just needs a muffin. And my favorite muffin liners are parchment squares, my favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day, my least favorite holiday is Christmas, and I think I want to listen to this song on repeat,…

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Saveur Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Well, I’m 29, you guys. I’ve turned into someone who analyzes smile lines (face wrankles) and is worried about the frump factor in my license photo. (But really, why did they make those photos bigger and way yellow-er in tone?) It was the wrong time to experiment with a center-part and I’m really considering a $60 night cream. Hashtag honesty hour. Cookies help though. These cookies are covered in smile lines and they’re total babes!…

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