
Scones Forever

Because breakfast wins best meal award*.

(*Based on the dessert-as-a-meal-thing, obvz.)

SCONES FOREVER // take a megabite

Because my countertops are covered with dishes and my bed is covered with laundry. Because my car seats are covered in sesame seeds from emergency bagel-ing on the regular. Because I’m good at running out of milk, cereal, bread for toasting, and general breakfast foods. Because I took a 2-hour nap Saturday and then ran out of daylight. Because my favorite cowboy boots are un-fixable. Because I made these banana bread scones and LOVED them, but did not love the photos I took of them. Because I’ve been dancing on my lunch break. Because it’s Tuesday. I need a scone.

So let’s do this. If you want double the glaze go with number four. If you want a scone in a brownie outfit go with number eleven. If you are a big fan of streusel on everything go with nine. If cornbread is your BFF then make twelve. If you are in the mood for a savory egg sandwich on a scone-wich go with ten. If you have a few of every variation of chocolate chips in your pantry go with five, and if you want to pretend oatmeal makes baked goods all healthy-like go with number eight.

1 Coconut Scones // 2 Raspberry White Chocolate Scones // 3 Dark Chocolate Orange Scones // 4 Mini Pumpkin Scones // 5 Kitchen Sink Scones // 6 Meyer Lemon & Blueberry Scones // 7 Chocolate Chip Scones // 8 Oatmeal Maple Scones // 9 Blueberry Buckle Scones // 10 Feta, Sun-dried Tomato, and Spinach Scone-wiches // 11 Triple Chocolate Scones with Orange Icing // 12 Honey Cornmeal Scones

P.S. Check out my Chocolate Chip Cookies Forever post in case you need a cookie too.

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