Savory Sponsored Posts

Let’s Toast to Sunday Dinner!

Sunday dinner was a big deal growing up. After church you eat a full meal. Main dish! Sides! Dessert! No nonsense. Even now my grandma will ask, “But who do you eat Sunday dinner with?!” And I usually tell her that my Sundays are normally full of brunch, bike rides, and rarely a big sit-down lunch with family in church clothes followed by dessert, coffee, and naps. This last Sunday was different though. I made a…

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Roasted Mushroom and Brie Omelets

Brie melts when you look at it! It’s just a super sensitive cheese, ya know? And it pairs with roasted crispy vinegar-y mushrooms like you wouldn’t believe. All I’m saying is, make this omelet right away. Have it for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, whenever, but mostly just make it. Take one bite and put your hands over your heart in an “I’d marry this omelet if it was the commitment type,” way. It’s ok to…

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Sponsored Posts Sweet

Sweet & Savory Crepes with Wisconsin Cheese + A Giveaway!

– Contest Closed – This week I shared a recipe for these savory and sweet crepes on the Wisconsin Cheese Blog. Check out my favorite crepe recipe with two different cheesy fillings right here. GIVEAWAY: Wisconsin Cheese has offered to give one of you lovely people $25 worth of cheese! To enter simply comment with your favorite cheese pairing. Head over to for some tasty pairing ideas. I can’t wait to see your favorites!…

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Mushroom Fontina Pizza

This pizza is (currently) the best pizza of my whole world. Instead of sauce there’s an awesome mushroom pesto involving roasted mushrooms and rehydrated mushrooms. It’s mushroom crazy. And I’m crazy in love with it. Oh, and do you guys use a rolling pin when you get pizza dough ready? I’m totally into just using my fingertips to stretch it. Occasionally I pick up the dough round and dangle it so it can stretch even…

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Spaghetti Squash + Stuffed Mushrooms {faux spaghetti and meatballs}

Faux noodles; faux problems. I really admire spaghetti squash for being a vegetable in a noodle outfit. I’m just really impressed by it! How does it do it? I’d say it’s a veggie-miracle. Make it. You’ll see. These stuffed mushrooms are the meatball in this pasta situation. They’re prettier than meatballs right? In a beauty pageant, these would look way better in a bathing suit. Am I wrong? But mostly, these mushrooms are full of…

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Chicken Pot Pie

The other night Jake and I just wanted to have pie for dinner. I filled with with chicken and vegetables and topped it with penguins. This was just the thing we wanted to eat on a cold night in. Next time I’m going to make individual pot pies. That’d be fun, right? Would you want a penguin, an elephant, or a heart on yours? And if you’re in a holiday frenzy and the thought of…

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Mushroom & Spinach Frittata

This is my weekend lunch. It’s what I made while Elliot was laying in a sunny patch on the floor and I was in between episodes of True Blood. It’s extra lunch-y with a salad on the side. I’m a big fan of putting black beans in my salads, do you guys do that? You probably should. Oh, and spinach and mushrooms are best friends. It’s just the truth. So let’s have lunch. I’ll bring…

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Rocket Pesto

I’m not into math, unless it’s food-math. In this case, all of those guys up there turn into that lovely green pesto down there! It makes the summeriest, greenest, dreamiest concoction. I stirred it into pasta, piled it on the plate down there, sprinkled it with mushrooms, and ate it picnic-style in the only air conditioned room in the house. Come over! Have some! I bet you’ll love it. I just don’t know why I’ve…

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Woodgrain Cake + Fudge Frosting + Meringue Mushrooms

I brought this cake two and a half hours away to be the post-bbq dessert on Memorial Day. All of the mushrooms survived the trip. I thought that was nice of them. I’ve been wanting a reason to make meringue mushrooms ever since I knew they existed. This woodgrain cake gave me the motivation to finally do it! Would you care to have this piece? I’d totally share if Jake and I hadn’t finished the…

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