
Sour Cherry Fro-Yo Ice Pops

I’m really excited about these. Almost as excited as I was on Friday when I won 100 tickets at the arcade. Almost as excited as when I won a Hip Hop Banana stuffed toy thing-y from that claw game that it’s impossible to win at. Way more excited than the personality test that said I as both jealous and uncontrollable. (Rude!) And I guess, pretty much on par with the excitement I feel towards trading…

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Mocha Ice Pops

I tried to do laundry on Tuesday, but I ate sliders and listened to records instead. I tried to help Elliot not hear fireworks by blaring music, but he couldn’t ignore them no matter how loudly I blared Otis Redding’s romance tunes. I tried out a new dance move in front of the mirror, but it looked way cooler in my head, and now I think I should probably keep dancing to myself, in my…

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Roasted Strawberry Ice Pops

The other day I popped into the zombie grocery store (if you went there you’d totally understand) and bought 2 lbs of strawberries because they were somehow $4? And (real talk) I’ve been the worst at letting fruit go bad lately. Herbs get wrankled and black in my tundra-fridge and I’ve been losing cheese in the back and forgetting about heavy cream. So, I had to get my life together and use up these berries…

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