Savory Sponsored Posts

Vegan Roasted Veggie Bowl

In January I went on a little vegan-eating thing for 3 weeks and really loved it! I like how food-rules (self-induced even) turn into more creativity sometimes! I mean, if I don’t give myself any restraints I end up peanut butter cookies passed around at the bar or all the Cadbury mini eggs. But regardless of all that, this is my current favorite meal. It’s ALL veggies and the sauce has my heart. I feel pretty good about…

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Misc. Sponsored Posts

Door to Door Organics // Unboxing

Hey guys ! I’ve partnered up with Door to Door Organics and it’s fun already. I’ve eaten bagels and jam, cookies for breakfast, Lara Bars for snacks, roasted up a ton of veggies for dinner, mashed pinto beans for in veggie burgers, and eaten salsa out of desperate hunger. And guess what! I’ve got a little something for you good-lookin’ folks. Place an order for your first Door to Door Organics box and use the discount code “MEGABITE”…

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Chicken Pot Pie

The other night Jake and I just wanted to have pie for dinner. I filled with with chicken and vegetables and topped it with penguins. This was just the thing we wanted to eat on a cold night in. Next time I’m going to make individual pot pies. That’d be fun, right? Would you want a penguin, an elephant, or a heart on yours? And if you’re in a holiday frenzy and the thought of…

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