
Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

All I know is that at my friend’s wedding last weekend I had a strawberry cheesecake cupcake. I think that cupcake memory is why these hit the spot as the perfect girls night treat.


These guys have it all. Graham cracker goodness, strawberries and cake with a cheesecake center.


Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes {makes 12}
Recipe adapted from my childhood +Β The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook


cake –

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • scant 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 t baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 3 T unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 t pure vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • scant 1 cup diced strawberries

cheesecake center –

  • 4 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1 egg white
  • 3 T sugar
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 1/4 t vanilla
  • 1 t strawberry jam

crust + sprinkling

  • 1/4 cup graham cracker crumbs + more for sprinkling

{cream cheese frosting recipe below}


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Mix up cake batter. In a medium bowl beat flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and butter with an electric mixer until crumbly and sandy-looking. Pour in milk and vanilla and beat on medium until well mixed. Add egg and beat Β for a few minutes or until everything is incorporated. Stir in strawberries. Set aside.
  2. Make cheesecake center. In a small bowl beat together cream cheese, egg white, sugar, salt and vanilla. When smooth, stir in the strawberry jam. Set aside.
  3. Line a muffin tin with 12 paper liners. Place 1 teaspoon of graham cracker crumbs in the bottom of all of the liners. Add a tablespoon of cake batter over the crumbs. Divide cheesecake mixture between all of the cupcakes. Top with remaining cake batter.
  4. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until cake is set and a cake tester comes out mostly clean … or as clean as it can when a cheesecake center is involved. Place on a wire rack to cool. Allow to cool in muffin tin for at least 10 minutes before removing. Cool completely before frosting. (Don’t bother worrying if the centers of the cupcakes sink a teeny bit. Mine might’ve, but the frosting masks it.) Store in the refrigerator after frosting, until time to eat them!


Here are the naked cupcakes. See the cheesecake peaking out?
They just want that cream cheese frosting outfit, already.

Cream Cheese Frosting
Recipe from The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook


  • 3 T unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 4 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 2 1/3 cups powdered sugar


  1. Beat the butter and cream cheese together until mixed completely. Add powdered sugar 1/2 cup at a time, until it’s all blended in and is lookin’ smooth
  2. PipeΒ cupcakes generously. Sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs. Eat seven. Store in the fridge, for the cheesecake’s sake!

In other news…


I have an oven light!

Jake says that I look like an angry teenager in this picture. Maybe my excitement is hidden by my nap hair, but I really am digging having an oven light in my life.

46 thoughts on “Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes”

  1. Meg, You make me laugh. I love to see your excitement for baking and you are doing a great job on this blog. Your are great. Dad

  2. I cannot wait to make these! I doubt mine will be as gorgeous as yours but I am going to go for it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. These look amazing. The presentation is so pretty, too. I’m thinking these look like the perfect thing for Mother’s Day.

  4. When we moved into our new house recently, our oven had a light (our old house oven didn’t). It’s the greatest. I appreciate your oven-light wonder. πŸ™‚

  5. Valen – yay for strawberry ideas! Don’t you just love strawberry season?

    OMEGA – I’m so glad that we can share oven-light love!

    Crepes of Wrath – I want graham cracker crumbs more involved in every recipe, pretty much. πŸ™‚

  6. I made these cupcakes for my hen party this past weekend – most delish. ‘Cept I made them the weekend before and froze them. FYI: this is not a freezable cupcake. Still tasty though. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I made these cupcakes for some friends and family, and they turned out great, thank you! I made my frosting with strawberries as well for a little extra punch of flavor, and baked an actual graham cracker crust. They were a great hit, thanks!

  8. I made these for a Thanksgiving day desert yesterday and they came out excellent! I love strawberry shortcake anything and these cupcakes hit the spot! I used frozen strawberries since I couldn’t find the fresh kind in the grocery store. Thanks for this recipe!

  9. I just made these tonight. I used a mini muffin pan and I’m generally a slow baker, so it took quite some time and effort filling out each little muffin… but boy were they worth it! Really delish! and they looked awfully cute in their mini versions. Thanks for the recipe!

  10. i was gonna order these from a baking company for my friends surprise bday party, they said they werent taking any more orders. your recipe sounds great so glad i found it!!!!! thank you!!!!!!

  11. Hi, long story here, but well worth it. I was looking for a recipe for strawberry cheesecake since it’s my bf’s favorite dessert. I found this post and got really excited to bake them for our picnic during The Heavy’s concert in Brooklyn. But who makes only 12 cupcakes? I made 3 dozen! Some went to family, some went to friends, 4 went to The Heavy, 4 went to my bf, and about 18 my bf agreed to walk around the picnic area and handed them out to random people, for free of course!. All in all, it was a major hit. I got lots of compliments, but of course I told everyone I found your recipe.

    This is how I describe them on my Facebook: A scrumptious, rich, and delectable dessert consisting of a thin graham cracker crust, strawberry cake filled with strawberry cheesecake filling, frosted with strawberry cream cheese frosting, and finally boasting a chocolate-covered strawberry sprinkled with graham cracker crumbs. 100% Organic Ingredients.

    Thank you for helping me pack a perfect picnic. πŸ™‚


    p.s. – If you have a FB account, here is a link to a video of my friend, Derek and the (first) taste test. This was 1 a.m. – despite all the sugar, he passed out after the last batch was out of the oven, leaving me to do the rest. SO MUCH FUN!

  12. Hi Megabite! I followed your recipe for Strawberry cheesecake cupcakes and they turned out awesome! So good. I just want to thank you for posting this recipe on your blog. Seems like I discovered a treasure with all these recipes. I hope it’s okay that I share them. Anyway, I wrote a little pose on my website about my cupcakes, and gave you some credits and gave a link to your website. Hope it’s okay! Check out my post when you get the chance at http://www.nikkibaltazar.blogspot.com. Have a nice day!

  13. Camille – Awesome!! I’m so glad they were a hit.

    Nikki – I’m so excited you made them! <3

    Amanda - Thanks for stopping by and sharing your cupcake love. I'm glad you liked these guys.

  14. These cupcakes look perfect for my son’s 2nd birthday!! Can’t wait to make them!! Cheesecake goodness. ^_^ The kids are going to love them!

  15. Thanks so much for this recipe. I left out the crust (really did not know what to replace it with since I am from the Netherlands and can’t find the graham thingies in our stores). But these CC’s are AWESOME they taste sooooooo good. Again, thanks a lot!!

  16. I have to say this is the most awsome recipe for cupcakes ever, I made 2 dozen of them to take to work for my co-workers, and when I brought them out and asked who wanted a cupcake I soon felt like a gazelle being attacked by lions on the African plains, they were gone so fast, but before my boss could grab a second one, everyone loved them and talked all day long about them, I have to say it made my day, thank you so so so much for this most awsome recipe!!!….oh and might I add I see that you mostly like have a passion for vintage pyrex mixing bowls, I too love them and have several of my own, keep up the good work on your blog, I love it.


  17. Rain! I hope you love you them!

    Gonny – I love that you made these. I think that digestive biscuits are similar to graham crackers, but I bet these were just as good without it.

    Brandi – I’m excited your coworkers went crazy for these! Thanks for coming back to tell me. <3

  18. i just pulled these out of my oven!! i can’t wait to try them later! thanks for sharing the recipe πŸ™‚

      1. we had a white cake with a strawberry cheesecake filling topped with a buttercream frosting as one of our wedding cake flavors! it was delish! so when i came across this recipe and just to happened to have everything i needed to make them…i wasted no time in getting started!!

  19. I am sooooo excited to make and try these . I am in a book club called Cupcakes & Lollipops and every month there are some cupcakes at it and I think they will be a hit and probably the best ones we have had!! Thanx for the recipe.

  20. Wow, I came across this recipe a couple days ago and made them like 5 mins ago; they came out fantastic!! πŸ˜‰
    Thanks Meg!

  21. OMG! Thank you for this recipe! I made it last night and it came out great!!! I used really ripe strawberries and the sweetness was amazing.. I thought I messed up because the yoke from the egg fell in when making the cream cheese center but that didn’t ruin it (luckily)!! Not only is strawberry cheesecake and strawberry cheesecake ice-cream are my faves but I’ve now added strawberry cheesecake cupcakes!!! πŸ˜‰

    Thank you once again!!!

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