
Veggie Burgers + Sweet Potato Fries

While Meghan with an “h” is all about that bass, I’m all about these veggie burgers. So much so that I made them twice in one week. I’m also all about that food processor for making these THAAAAT much easier. No meat. No treble. No problem. Sometimes veggie burgers are full of fake things, but these ones are real from the bottom to the top. Nothing weird just normal ingredients hanging out at your house.…

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Let’s Toast to Sunday Dinner!

Sunday dinner was a big deal growing up. After church you eat a full meal. Main dish! Sides! Dessert! No nonsense. Even now my grandma will ask, “But who do you eat Sunday dinner with?!” And I usually tell her that my Sundays are normally full of brunch, bike rides, and rarely a big sit-down lunch with family in church clothes followed by dessert, coffee, and naps. This last Sunday was different though. I made a…

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Savory Sponsored Posts

Chickpea Sliders with Whipped Feta and Cucumber Slaw

I’m feeling pretty happy about some stuff. For example, I forgot how much I love the song Breaking Up is Hard to Do. It reminds me of my childhood, and it makes me dance… probably a little bit too 80’s + Charlie Brown. (Sorry, downstairs neighor!) And it’s summer, guys! Even though it’s a scorcher in my apartment and it’s kinda too hot to make pizza and feel ok about it.*  And I’m really happy it’s burger…

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Make It Mini // Lunchbox Polenta Quiche (gluten-free)

Sometimes I think of life in a between-haircuts way. Like, ok, I just got my hair cut shorter and I don’t have to go back until August or September. What will be happening then?! How will things be? Will I still be painting hearts on my nails? Probably. Will I have a better lunch appetite? Will I still be wearing floral leggings like twice a week and drinking 24 oz. beers on patios and stress-texting…

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Beet Brioche Burger Buns

These buns are a burger clue. And for those of you who are anti-beet you’ll be all, “Thank god you can’t taste those earthy fuschia jerks.” Mostly (2nd clue alert) I needed a bright bun for a khaki burger to come. I know I’m not selling this future burger, but beware… it’s been called the Lady Gaga of burgers. It’s a punch in the face with flavor. It’s good. So… get ready for it later this…

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Sweet Potato Light Brioche Burger Buns

Yesterday I ate chocolate while making tortillas for dinner tacos. Mind you, I was out of everything so the tacos were just made with scrambled eggs, tomatoes, cheese, and hot sauce. And I ate them standing in my kitchen… I don’t know what the deal is. I’ve been so scattered lately! I’ve forgotten to eat meals (what?!). I’ve eaten granola bars for lunch and weird bratwurst for midnight dinner. Life is crazy and busy and…

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Savory Sweet

Insta-Recipes #3

You guys, it’s spring. For real. It’s time to crack the windows, bake cookies for work, pizza for your favorites, and granola for the hotties in your life. Below are 3 recipes from my Instagram that I really think you guys should know about. I mean, sometimes baking and dancing happens on a weeknight and there’s no time for photographing these in a fancy manor… So here you go! I really loved these whoopie pies.…

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Feta, Tomato, and Bell Pepper Quiche with a Polenta Crust (gluten-free)

I’ve been trying to pay attention. To notice the moments where I feel happy and just live in them, ya know? Way back in June when I made the asparagus remix to this quiche I remember feeling super happy whisking the polenta for 10 minutes. Whisking is total zen. We’ve talked about this before, I think. But back then was a tricky time for me. I felt kinda lost and sort of unsure of what…

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Savory Sweet

Insta-recipes #2

Sit back, sip on a greyhound, and take in the fact that it’s January and things are cray-cray! Anyhow, I just thought that today I’d share recipes for some things that have popped up on my Instagram lately. P.S. I can’t believe I’ve never posted that tomato soup! Make it for a hottie, and write about your love in it. Soup romance. These biscuits are half roll half biscuit. They’re the best of both worlds.…

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Chipotle Chicken Chili

Oh, I’ve made this chili before. I loved it then and I love it now! You see, it doesn’t take long to throw together, the ingredient list isn’t too crazy, and well it’s thickened with a beer + masa harina mixture that is just magical! I love how it’s kinda the lovechild of a chili and a stew and I like how pretty it is accessorized garnish-style. I’d serve this to my favorites! I’d serve…

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