
Casual Chocolate Pie

Yesterday, I wore army green slacks (slacks!?) that are basically stretch pants. I wore them with my favorite gray v-neck. I obviously got dressed with plans to nap the day away. That’s just how I roll on Sundays. Sometimes I keep it casual. Sometimes my pies keep it casual. Don’t bother stressing out about keeping this crust a nice oval. Don’t worry if it looks like Wisconsin. Just think about eating a tasty pie. Because…

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Chicken Pot Pie

The other night Jake and I just wanted to have pie for dinner. I filled with with chicken and vegetables and topped it with penguins. This was just the thing we wanted to eat on a cold night in. Next time I’m going to make individual pot pies. That’d be fun, right? Would you want a penguin, an elephant, or a heart on yours? And if you’re in a holiday frenzy and the thought of…

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