
Beet Brioche Burger Buns

These buns are a burger clue. And for those of you who are anti-beet you’ll be all, “Thank god you can’t taste those earthy fuschia jerks.” Mostly (2nd clue alert) I needed a bright bun for a khaki burger to come. I know I’m not selling this future burger, but beware… it’s been called the Lady Gaga of burgers. It’s a punch in the face with flavor. It’s good. So… get ready for it later this…

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Sweet Potato Light Brioche Burger Buns

Yesterday I ate chocolate while making tortillas for dinner tacos. Mind you, I was out of everything so the tacos were just made with scrambled eggs, tomatoes, cheese, and hot sauce. And I ate them standing in my kitchen… I don’t know what the deal is. I’ve been so scattered lately! I’ve forgotten to eat meals (what?!). I’ve eaten granola bars for lunch and weird bratwurst for midnight dinner. Life is crazy and busy and…

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{Round} Hoagie Buns

I have dinner plans with these guys. I’d even call it a date. Rumor has it these are good at holding beef. At least that’s what Betty from Colorado says on the Taste of Home website. Betty just wanted a delicious and convenient way to hold her beef and here it is. You may be yelling at your computer screen right now. You’re probably saying something like. “Megan! Those hoagie buns are supposed to be…

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Turkey Burgers + Whole Wheat Burger Buns + Avocado Fries

I get pretty proud of myself when I make a good dinner just for me. Normally I end up eating snacks or weirdo foods instead of a real meal when I’m cooking for one. Thank you Dana, for making me crazy about turkey burgers … ever since the tasty ones you made us post paddle boating. Turkey Burgers Recipe from my homegurl Dana Ingredients: 1 lb. ground turkey + some minced onion + some fresh…

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Light Brioche Burger Buns

So what if I napped while these were on the rise. So what if when they were done, I drizzled one with honey and ate it as my fake dinner. So what? So what if I can’t wait to make mini these for mini burgers; mini burgers are the cupcake of burgers, really. Basically these are the dreamiest burger buns ever. You should probably make them right now and make burgers for dinner. Despite my…

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