
Falafel Sliders (vegan)

In Memphis my bf and I went to a restaurant called Slider Inn (ahem). And we split a falafel slider with black bean hummus. Basically, what we have here. I thought it was a super-great idea! And I knew I wanted to eat them when I got home. So I made my usual slider bun, the vegan remix, and Minimalist Baker’s falafel, and a thrown-together-no-big-deal black bean hummus. P.S. I’m doing this casual vegan January…

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Beet Brioche Burger Buns

These buns are a burger clue. And for those of you who are anti-beet you’ll be all, “Thank god you can’t taste those earthy fuschia jerks.” Mostly (2nd clue alert) I needed a bright bun for a khaki burger to come. I know I’m not selling this future burger, but beware… it’s been called the Lady Gaga of burgers. It’s a punch in the face with flavor. It’s good. So… get ready for it later this…

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Sweet Potato Light Brioche Burger Buns

Yesterday I ate chocolate while making tortillas for dinner tacos. Mind you, I was out of everything so the tacos were just made with scrambled eggs, tomatoes, cheese, and hot sauce. And I ate them standing in my kitchen… I don’t know what the deal is. I’ve been so scattered lately! I’ve forgotten to eat meals (what?!). I’ve eaten granola bars for lunch and weird bratwurst for midnight dinner. Life is crazy and busy and…

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Chocolate Orange Brioche Knots

This brioche is delicious, but in the process of making it my mixer broke! Currently, my beloved Kitchenaide is sitting in pieces in the spare room, on the desk I never sit at, while I wait for parts to arrive in the mail. I’m crossing my fingers that it’ll be up in running in 3-5 business days. It all started when I used the paddle attachment for this here buttery yeast dough. T’was too much!…

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Brioche {a first attempt}

If brioche was your date you’d better show up at it’s house with flowers. You’d totally have to open the door for it always, and it would probably go to the bathroom when the bill arrived to make it clear you are the one to pay. This dough is a bit high maintenance; definitely more of a weekend bread. I had a date on Friday with some brioche dough. Yeah, yeah. The top got too…

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