
Dutch Apple Cheesecake + Pumpkin Tiramisu {Thanksgiving 2011}

My thanksgiving was so bright I had to wear shades. And it was delicious. See that jell-o? It’s a rainbow under that green. My nephews love it. My niece can’t get enough of it. There was also The Pioneer Woman’s sweet potatoes, in that blue dish back there. They taste like what sweet potatoes should taste like as dessert… but as a side dish. On each plate there are two kernels of indian corn. Every year…

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Blueberry Crumb Bars

I get weird in the heat. It’s right up there with being hungry. If I get too toasty I will surely stop talking and most likely get sassy about it. If I join you for a patio lunch, just save me a spot in the shade will you? On the other hand, this is a picnic dessert for real. It doesn’t bother getting weird in the heat. So bring it to your next bbq or…

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